Monday, March 16, 2015

Welcome to 17 Cherry Tree Lane

Happy Spring!  I think...almost...maybe...okay we might get snow on Friday.  But nonetheless, I am choosing to embrace the 60 degree temps we'll see today.  Tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day, so my office is filled with Celtic tunes and the corned beef is defrosting for later in the week.  I've also decided that this week I'm taking back "Darling."  It's only right.  St. Patrick's Day was the perfect excuse for our family to get together - one of my Poppy's favorites.

I can't help but think about what Poppy Darling would think of us today - all seven "Darling girls" all grown up.  This weekend we'll gather to celebrate the April arrival of our very first BOY in the family since my dad was born - so excited for my cousin Kathleen and her husband Jason.  But again, I can't help what Poppy would think.  There have been weddings, babies, new homes, big moves, graduations, times with lots of laughter and plenty with tears.  I think he would be pretty proud - we've powered through like true Darlings, and at the end of the day we always have each other. Poppy loved toads.  It was one of his things.  This past Christmas at our exchange there was a frog wind chime - we all went crazy over it, I think mostly because it reminded us of him.  Needless to say, a few of us went to World Market later that week and bought our own.  I'm excited to hang my "toad" out on the patio this summer.  It's a great little reminder of the man who always brought us all together and loved us so much.

I'm happy to share that the week after my birthday - the big 2-5 - we made a trip to NYC.  Our patience was challenged as I was recovering from a stomach virus (one of the joys of working with college students) and Drew came down with the same virus the evening we were supposed to leave for the city - oh and we got about 10 inches of snow that day too.  I had a few meltdowns, as I've become quit accustomed to our NYC routine.  We travel to my parents the night before, Drew is always with me, then we drive in for an early appointment, pray for good news and then return to Lancaster.  So, I had to get a grip, put on my big girl pants and put my anxieties into the Lord's hands because let's face it, He's the common denominator in all of this.  He's the one constant.  He is ALWAYS there.

God is so good - I had a great report.  I didn't always understood tears of joy, but let me tell you over these past two years (yes, it has been over two years since my diagnosis!) I could quite literally cry tears of joy after the doctor says, "Things look very stable, Sarah."  I don't always hear much after that, I just sit in that chair and sink into God's abundant, unfailing provision, grace, and blessing on our lives.  Thank you, thank you.

So what does all this mean?  Things are stable?  It means that my scans are virtually unchanged since I was diagnosed in 2013.  I will return for scans and lab work in 3 months, as on of my lymph nodes was slightly enlarged, however the doctor is quite sure this is due to simple sinus congestion - something normal for just about everyone.  So we'll pray that the lymph node that looked slightly inflamed has returned to normal in a few months.  If all goes well, we can start to spread out the scans a little more.  My hope is that we could get to every 4-5 months as to reduce the amount of radiation exposure.  I will remain without treatment as I am asymptomatic.  I always love when they ask me about my energy level.  "Umm, Drew and I go about 110 mph every week.  So sometimes I'm tired on Friday nights, but I think that is expected."

To give a quick update on the Dillon household, we are well.  We are both loving our jobs and so thankful for our co-workers who have really become like family. Drew is finishing his second season as an Assistant Coach for the Men's Volleyball Team at Lancaster Bible.  We bought a house (hence the Cherry Tree Lane title, although sadly that is not our address), closed on December 24, left to visit our family in Georgia for 10 days and then came back to a snow-filled January in which we moved.  It was an adventure.  But we tried to keep perspective.  Two years ago we didn't know what was ahead.  To sit in OUR home at night with a cup of tea and the love of my's pretty sweet.  I am blessed.

We're excited for the spring/summer and all that is to come - weddings - yes, more weddings! Vacation time with family and friends (we became an Uncle & Aunt again this past January - can't wait to meet sweet Sadie Ann!), warmer weather which means outdoor yard work...all great things!

We're so thankful for each of you, your continued prayers and unending support, encouragement and love.  You see us through it all, and for that we are so grateful.

Lots of love,


This past Friday we enjoyed a date night out with one of Drew's high school friends and his girlfriend.
We may or may not have made our reservations for 8pm so we could come home from work
and take a power nap first!  Highlight of the evening?  Drew's friend owns a successful landscaping company in the area and offered some help - and these new homeowners have some seriously overgrown holly bushes that need some lovin!