Wednesday, November 28, 2012

There's No Place Like Home for the Holidays

Hi all!

I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving! I had a spectacular five days at home for the first time in almost four months, and have been anxious to update everyone on the latest in SC.

Everything is starting to come to a close for the semester here at USC - I cannot believe it!  While I have missed home since the day I arrived, I must say that the semester has really flown by.  We have just a week and a half of classes left and then a few final papers before I officially complete my first nine graduate school credits - here's hoping to land that 4.0 this semester? We'll see!

Work is still great, and this past week I found myself intentionally reflecting on how thankful I am for those that I work and interact with on a daily basis.  Our office truly has a great balance of hard working individuals, humor and overall passion for our work at this unviersity - I'm one lucky girl to be among such a fantastic bunch!

My little apartment is still standing, although sometimes I wonder what appliance might "go" next!  Since arriving I've had everything replaced besides the washer and dryer - I'm so thankful for the flexibility and willingness of the realty group, but sometimes wonder how the person before me survived?!  Let's just say it's a cozy little place that get's a "pretty penny" for rent because of its awesome location.  I've been awfully lucky to call it home this year, but look forward to changing things up next year and moving in with a super sweet girl that I met at USC and is in the same master's degree program.  Additionally, because of the close quarters, this is the first year I won't have a Christmas tree in the place I'm renting, but had to show some holiday spirit (and dress up our very beige hallway)!  A big thank you to Carly Gilchrist for the fun day of wreath making a few weeks ago!

So Thanksgiving...what a FUN five days!  It started off with one of the best surprises I've ever been able to give someone...and that someone was Drew!  Here is how it went...

1. I was originally supposed to fly home Tuesday night, but due to a last minute flight change I was lucky enough to be flying into an airport closer to home and at an earlier time.

2. Rather than tell Drew about my new travel plans, I called my best friend Brooke and her lovely fiance, Bobby, and together we set up plans for a double date (of which Drew thought would just be him and Bobby for dinner and bible study).

3. I arrive in Lancaster around 6pm on Tuesday evening - Brooke and I promptly head to the restaurant where we wait for Drew and Bobby to arrive.  While waiting, one of the employees at the restaurant was talking with us and found out that I was surprising Drew after not seeing him for 2.5 months (who's counting? This girl.)  Upon finding out about the surprise, she got me one of the restaurant's uniforms and told me to go behind the counter where your "order."  When the guys entered the restaurant she said "Hello there, how are you guys doing tonight?" which was my cue to jump up from behind the counter and say, "Hello, welcome to Seniorita Burrita, how can I take your order?"

4. So fun!  Surprise "execution" credit to Brooke Schreiter and Bobby Rhoads - you guys are the absolute BEST!

After Tuesday's surprise, I enjoyed a fabulous day in Millersville on Wednesday, having lunch, coffee and dinner with dear friends and co-workers that I have missed SO much.  Let's just say, I would love to settle for a while in that area of the state!

Thanksgiving day was wonderful, as I shared it with my parents, sister, grandma and fantastic family friends.  Friday, Saturday and Sunday were very relaxing and consisted of a brisk hike, double date with my parents, an afternoon at Starbucks while visiting some local shops, some extra sleep and lots of laughs.  So blessed and cannot wait to return home.

Until December...

PS: Here is a little teaser for my next post...this Saturday I'll be visiting the famous, Biltmore Estate in NC - it's all decorated for Christmas, and I cannot wait to get into the holiday spirit!  Pictures to come...

 Love you all, miss you always, and I promise to "post" again soon!


Sunday, November 4, 2012

Fall Fun

Hello all!

I cannot believe I am able to say this...but I'll be making my first trip back to PA in just two short weeks!  I am beyond excited and cannot wait to dish out the hugs and kisses to everyone I've missed so much.

The past month in Columbia has encompassed all ends of the relaxed/stressed spectrum, as I spent five days with mom and dad on Hilton Head Island and have also completed a number of "big" assignments for my classes at USC.  Highlight: I've just completed and submitted my first article for publication to the Journal of Appreciative Education and am hopeful that I might be included in one of their upcoming publications!  Needless to say, I'll be thrilled to wrap up these next two weeks before Turkey-Day when most of my coursework will be behind me!

Fall break was a delight and came at a much needed time.  While I have absolutely loved everything about my time in Columbia, the time between Drew's visit after Labor Day and my parents visit was quite a stretch for me!

We enjoyed 5 days of biking, beach walks, good food, great talks and most importantly were able to give each other the gift of time together.  Priceless.

Check out some pictures from our island bike ride to South Beach, Salty Dog Cafe & Harbor Town.


After a few work-filled weekends, I had the opportunity this yesterda to enjoy some quality time with great new friends.  Yesterday we went to the Riverbanks Zoo (right here in Columbia - the one that Drew and I visited) and we got to feed the giraffes - and do some other great things, but that was definitely the highlight.

I can guarantee you a moment of laughter with this video of the monkeys yesterday!

The "icing on the cake" of this weekend was church this morning.  First Presbyterian of Columbia had their "Kirkin' o' the Tartan" Scottish celebration. It only happens once every two years, and today I was able to share this special service with two HESA friends.  Check out the video below for the post-service entertainment in the courtyard.  I would also be remiss to mention that after church this morning we shared a wonderful brunch at Harper's - loving that southern weekly tradition!

Hope you all enjoy the update!  I am so excited that the holiday season is approaching and I'll be able to share stories and experiences with everyone in person.  I must thank everyone for your thoughtful notes in the mail, Skype/FaceTime dates and phone calls.  While our time physically together has been limited over the past few months, I truly appreciate the time everyone takes to keep in touch - it makes the miles between us much more manageable.  As we approach the season of Thanksgiving, I am truly thankful and blessed by all my dear family and friends, near and far!
Love you all, miss you always, and I promise to "post" again soon!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The blogger is back!

To say that this post is long overdue is the understatement of the month!  Sorry to keep you all waiting.  I definitely have a lot to share, but promise to include lots of pictures for those of you who are more visual than read/write (yes, I'm being sensitive your learning/comprehension styles...can we tell I'm a student affairs junkie yet?)

So, hello loved ones!

All is swell here in Columbia, I'm not sure it's possible to put into words how much the Lord has blessed me since I made "the move."  The people, opportunities and atmosphere are all the perfect combination to keep me mostly distracted from missing all of...YOU!  At the end of this week I will have been here for two months.  In my mind I seem to have been here longer...I've started counting down the days until mom and dad visit, and I've also made my flight arrangements for Thanksgiving...I need some PA time!  More importantly, it's been approximately a month since my last let's see if I can give you a little glimpse of what I've been up to...take a look at my "top ten!"

  • Classes have been wonderful...I repeat classes have been wonderful and I'm actually enjoying my homework.  Shocking, I know!  My professors are incredible; their wealth of knowledge in the field and their willingness to help us grow and develop as incoming student affairs professionals is more than genuine.  That being said, I have a lot of work to do before Thanksgiving - presentations, submitting an article for publication, term papers and more!  However I can sincerely appreciate how applicable each assignment is to the degree we are all working that makes all the time and effort a bit more worth it :)

  • Work is great!  Again, I cannot say how truly blessed I am to be in such a wonderful office.  Everyday I am excited to go to work!  It is a wonderful feeling.  As our program director tells us, you don't have to look far to realize that not everyone loves what they're doing - but if our heart is really into student affairs, we'll never work a day in our lives.  Let's see if I can make that happen!  Check out our Web site (and our head shots/profiles) at!
Below is my supervisor and I having some fun at one of our office events - we really like to enjoy ourselves on those days out of the office...bungee jumping inflatable anyone?
(Warning: I couldn't move my neck for 2 days after this - haha!)

  • Sundays...I've been attending First Presbyterian Church of Columbia and I have genuinely enjoyed the teachings and services.  The senior and associate pastors are incredible - I find myself "debriefing" after sermons with Drew because the teachings are so rich and really dive into the word.  The church is beautiful and I'm loving the "tradition."  I'll be sure to keep you posted, as I'm hoping to get involved with a women's group or attend the weekly lunch they hold on Sunday afternoons for college students - overall I'm really happy to be getting "plugged in" somewhere!

  • One component of my assistantship is academic coaching.  For 3+ hours a week I have the opportunity to work with students who are on academic probation, are high achieving and need help balancing their schedules, and even freshman who are just getting their feet wet at this very large institution.  This past week I had 3 incredibly appointments and was truly on an academic coaching high.  I was SO motivated and encouraged by the students that I met with, and felt that I was truly having an impact.  These students are incredible individuals with outstanding aspirations and I feel so lucky to be able to help them.  In a nutshell, my time in Columbia has reaffirmed 110% that I have found my calling in SA (Student Affairs) and in helping students to reach their full potential within and beyond college...I'm so excited just talking about it!

  • In addition to working with individual students across the spectrum, I have also been afforded the opportunity to be the academic coach for a fraternity at USC.  That's right my friends...real Greek life!  In case I haven't told you already, Greek life here at USC is a big deal - we have a Greek village here filled with mansions that house over 40 fraternities and sororities.  SO, this past week I had the opportunity to attend a chapter meeting with the fraternity that I will be working with...needless to say I was a bit nervous...but quickly was embraced by the 100+ men of the fraternity (that shall remain nameless)  I'm really looking forward to our partnership and the chance to have an academic interaction with a component of student affairs that is completely new to me.

  • So as I write this, I'm having my morning tea with Drew over Skype...welcome to long distance've got to get creative!  While many of you may know because of my excitement over Facebook, Drew came to visit the week after Labor Day and it was WONDERFUL!  He drove all the way from PA and met me in Columbia but stayed with his sister, brother-in-law and beautiful niece in North Augusta, SC.  I then headed to North Augusta for the weekend where we hung out at the river house, played with Eva and ate wonderful food!  Drew and I were quite taken with Eva - she has quite the personality and is definitely warming up to us.  One of the highlights of our time with her was the long bike ride we took with her in her "bike trailer!"  We had a blast :) I love him. :)


Drew made us laugh in this one!!

 Our last night together - we met at Aiken Brewing Company in Aiken, SC - so bittersweet!
  • One of the great attractions we have here in Columbia is the Riverside Zoo.  Drew and I had the opportunity to visit (thanks to tickets from Matt & Carly!) and we had a blast.  My favorite were the giraffes!  I can't wait to go back and feed the giraffes - feeding was already over when we got there - but I've heard it's a great experience!  The zoo here does events for Halloween and the's a great family place and lots of folks here get season passes.

  • Now I wouldn't be a true USC student if I wasn't involved in some Gamecock football!  I promise you when I say I have never been more excited about a football game in my life.  Yes, I wore a dress.  All the girls here wear black dresses with garnet accessories.  I also got chills when the team came out of the locker room...the Gamecock's entrance is one of a kind!  You should YouTube it.

Courtney, Carly and myself!  SC friends and HESA classmates!
(HESA = higher education & student affairs)

That includes all of my updates for I'm sure I've kept you reading long enough!  I'll try to keep up with shorter, more frequent posts.  The semester will continue to get more and more busy as the holidays approach, but I love keeping in touch with all my loves at home :)

Love you all, miss you always & I promise to "post" again soon!


Sunday, August 26, 2012

A little bit of this & a little bit of that...

Hello loved ones!

I hope this post finds each of you well, as many of my dear friends (and little sister!) are starting school this week - know that I'll be thinking of and praying for each of you as you begin classes and for some, managing their own classrooms!  So proud. :)

I will be starting my graduate classes tomorrow...let me tell you that no matter the level of the class (high school, undergrad or grad) there is still a thrill in picking out school supplies.  If only you could have seen me in the aisles of Wal-Mart'd think I was worried about facing the halls of the 7th & 8th grade when we would all undoubtedly compare who had the "coolest" notebook and most advanced pencil case.  Nonetheless, I was able to settle on three notebooks and three folders...with coordinating colors, of course!

This past week has been great, but here are a few highlights:

1. There is a local bar & grill in Columbia called, "Tin Roof" - myself and 5 other girls ventured out to compete in their Wednesday night trivia and 1/2 priced bottle of wine night.  Having come in 13th place the week before, we weren't too optimistic about moving up in the "ranks" of trivia, but we were hoping to win a round or two.  WELL, not only did we win a few rounds (and winning rounds of trivia means free drinks for all! - and water bottles in our case - ) but we won the entire night of trivia and left with a gift certificate for the next time we visit!  So, yes my friends, it has only taken a few weeks and I am already the member of the trivia team that will be defending their 8/22 title at "Tin Roof!"

2. Since the day I moved into the apartment, I've had some trouble with appliances.  First, the refrigerator's ice maker was broken, leaving a daily puddle on my kitchen floor.  Then to top it off, I discovered through a couple of charred cookie batches and some "almost" ruined muffins, that the oven must have been about 100 degrees hotter than the actual setting!  However, to my surprise, I came home on Thursday to a brand new refrigerator, stove & this week they're mounting my new microwave!  Let it be known, this was a definite highlight...
Tonight, I also had the joy of actually making a meal now that I have functioning appliances...garlic, lemon & lime baked chicken with rosemary/buttered potatoes & some garlic bread...Bon appetite! 


3. Finally,  this afternoon I was able to spend some time by our lovely pool and spend some time reading - it was the perfect end to a relaxing weekend before my actual schedule for the semester begins!
Nothing like a beautiful evening in SC!

While I know that the craziness of fall schedules are about to begin for us all, I cannot tell you enough how much I genuinely miss everyone!  I've truly enjoyed all of the phone calls, Skye dates and "just thinking of you" cards that I've gotten in the mail - thank you! :)  Plus, I'm very excited for the planned fall visits that are coming together...can't wait!!
I wish you all a wonderful and successful week, and I'll be sure to let y'all know how the graduate classes are going!
Love you all, miss you always & I promise to "post" again soon!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Palmettos & Pimento

Greetings dear family & friends!

Indeed it has been a while since my last post...but I assure you that it has nothing to do with a "lack" of my SC adventures to share, but simply the busy schedule I have kept for that last week and a half or so!

First, let me begin by sharing that I feel like the most lucky, blessed 1st year GA (graduate assistant) at USC - I work for a simply wonderful office.  As I've shared with many this past week, it feels really great to know that I made the right decision in coming to Carolina.  While the anxiety of "the move" and leaving my loved ones in the North were no easy task, my transition here has been incredibly smooth and that is largely to do with the wonderful people I have the opportunity to work with at USC.  (For more details on my work at USC etc., we'll have to chat :) In an effort to be as professional as possible, I won't be posting much here!  However, I wanted y'all to know how excited I am to be working with such a wonderful staff!)

I know your jaw may have dropped as you read that last sentence...did you pick up on the "y'all?"  Well ladies and gents, it has indeed happened...I now use the word "y'all."  I promise once you live in S. Carolina and are surrounded by this all encompassing "phrase" you cannot help but make it apart of your vocabulary!  I'll never forget the first time it just rolled off my tongue...last week when I was on the phone with Drew.  We were just talking and all of a sudden it just came out!  There was silence on both ends of the phone until I said, "Oh my gosh..." to which Drew said, "Yep, that just happened."  So, y'all better get used to it!

So today was USC move-in day.  Let me tell you...I've never seen anything quite like it!  Between yesterday and today over 6,000 students moved into the on-campus housing at USC.  Today I had the pleasure (and I mean this sincerely!) of serving on the "Water Project" for USC Housing.  It was incredible how everything was orchestrated, and it was great to have the opportunity to provide cold water to many, many, many sweaty, tired parents and students who were busy moving-in and setting up their "new homes."  The whole day brought back a lot of memories of my "move-in" days - mom's worried about keeping things neat and clean, and dad's concerned with how much they could physically pack in one "trip" up the elevator!  I even had the opportunity to check out one of the dorm rooms...and can I just say I am SO glad to be done with that phase?  That is one box I am glad to have "checked off" on the list of life experiences.  I'm thankful for a small place with several rooms and my own bathroom, thank you!

Overall, I have had a number of wonderful experiences over the past week and a half - the southern hospitality down here is truly something to write home about!  However there was one observation that I made today that was certainly the "cherry on top" of my move-in-day experience. 

As I left the building where our office is located this afternoon, I noticed a family and a female student that were saying their "goodbyes."  As the family said their goodbyes, I saw the girl give a kiss to the young man I assume was her boyfriend.  While they struggled to loosen their hold on one anothers' hands, the girl said goodbye and turned to go back into the dorm (clearly trying to hold her smile.)  What she didn't see is that as she walked away, the boy she had kissed started to walk away and then turned around and watched her walk into the building...he had a smile/broken-hearted look on his face.  At that moment I wanted to run up to him and tell him, it would be someone who is all too familiar with that "goodbye."  As I walked to my car and my eyes welled up, I had a moment where I couldn't believe that I could say "Been there, done that."  Sometimes it is hard to believe that I have a Bachelor's degree, and am now a graduate student and staff member at my dream school in Columbia, SC.  Sometimes it is hard to believe that I have done the whole "goodbye thing" with the ones that I love so much, that are truly apart of me.  But as I pulled myself together, so that I could actually see to drive to Starbucks for a much needed iced coffee (priorities!), I realized once again that it is those difficult moments that have led me to the greatest journeys of my life so far...with incredible people, opportunities & experiences!

Until next time :)

Love you all, miss you always, and I promise to "post" again soon!


PS: My title justification is as follows...I've learned that I am not surrounded by "palm trees" here in Columbia, but rather palmetto trees (I guess palm trees are more what you find in Hawaii).  Secondly, you have not lived until you've had pimento is delicious and if you come to visit me I can take you to a lovely place called DiPrato's where it is truly the greatest you'll ever have! xo.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

To Columbia We Go!

Hello dear family and friends!

Well, it's official - I have moved to Columbia, SC!  After four pretty relaxing days with the 'rents in Hilton Head, we made the trip to Cola. and had one big "move-in" day.  I won't lie, it was no simple task to say goodbye to the two people who have sacrificed so much for me and this move to Cola., but they left me in a great place with incredible people and a loving God watching over me - so it's time to let the rest unfold!

I must say that one of my favorite parts of this cozy little apartment is looking around at all the pictures hung and "trinkets" given to me by some very special people.  While you are all not with me physically, you adorn my walls, desk, refrigerator and more!  As I unpacked a few stray boxes this afternoon (and feeling a little lost in this new place!) I found myself thinking that had I never taken chances or gone out of my "comfort" zone, I never would have met many of YOU.  So thank you...thank you to all my loved ones who have and will continue to touch my life in ways one can't even articulate!

As I face all of the new, exciting and challenging "things" that these next few weeks bring (And as I start my Graduate Assistantship tomorrow!), I will be sure to post updates.  But first, a few things that I'm thankful for in this new home:

1. Southern hospitality - everyone is so kind, and SO willing to help!  The check-out clerk at Publix last night offered to help me load my groceries into the car (after he bagged them so nicely!) I know, it's something little, but it's those little things that make adjusting to a new life 700 miles from home a little easier :)

2. New Friends - already today I was able to connect with a lovely HESA (Higher Education & Student Affairs) friend that I met during interviews in the spring - I'm so looking forward to our friendship!

3. A safe, comfortable place to live - I could not be more thankful for the ways in which God has provided for my family, and in turn provided this opportunity for me to go to school at USC and live in Columbia.

That being said, here is a verse I came across a few weeks's one I will live by today, tomorrow, and throughout this new journey!

"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you." - Psalm 32:8

Love you all, miss you always, and I promise to "post" again soon!


Thursday, August 2, 2012

A New Beginning

Hello dear family and friends!

So this is my first attempt to keep in contact with everyone on a more general scale (notice the word "attempt").  I've always thought it would be interesting to keep a journal, however I've never been quite a pro at the whole "journaling" part of that idea.  So, as I start a new journey in a new state, a new home, and at a new school, I thought - why not try and re-attempt that goal of mine to journal?

First, I know the burning question you all have - "Where did she come up with the mustard seed?"  Well, it's quite simple.  As I was packing fervently earlier this week, I came across a necklace given to my by my aunt and uncle that has a mustard seed in the pendant.  At that moment I thought to myself - I feel about as big as this mustard seed today.  With all of this change, I just felt small, powerless, and a little weak.  As I sat on my bedroom floor, just my thoughts and some time of prayer, I thought of the parable of the mustard seed.  From what I can remember (and this fits to what I was feeling - so if I'm wrong, wait to tell me for a bit - haha!), indeed the mustard seed is small, but when it grows, it really grows - and if I'm correct, it can grow among weeds and all other sorts of plants.  I was reminded of the thought that even as the mustard seed starts small, it quickly grows into a flourishing and sizable mustard plant.  So here is my analogy, I might be like a mustard seed now - but I know that USC and SC is where God wants me to be, and therefore I know He will use me in ways that I can't even imagine right now as me (a "wee" mustard seed) is planted in my new home.  My prayer is that I can flourish and grow in my faith, while demonstrating God's love to others, just as a mustard plant becomes deeply rooted and grows strong from a small seed. 

Okay, I'm done with my "title" can let me know what you think :)

Second, a shout out to all my family, friends and loved ones who joined us at our PA home to celebrate my graduation and impending move to SC - I couldn't have asked for a better day with more wonderful people.  You all have guided me, influenced me, and supported me in so many ways.  "Goodbyes" are never fun - so I prefer to suggest that I am on a 2 year adventure and will always welcome visitors looking for a little "vaca."

I write to you this afternoon from the balcony of our little place on Hilton Head Island - I couldn't ask for a better place for some R&R before the craziness of actually setting up my apartment and starting a new job/school begins!  First I have to tell you all, that I have the two most incredible parents who are 110% committed to making this the most enjoyable and smooth transition a girl could ask for.  Yesterday, after 12 hours of driving two fully packed cars almost 700 miles, we arrived in Cola. (Columbia, SC) and proceeded to unload the physical contents of my life into a storage unit.  From there we went to my apartment building and took care of all the administrative duties so that the move on Monday is fairly simple.  After that we went mattress shopping, ate lunch, then more mattress shopping, and then around 3pm I think we finally looked and sounded pathetic enough to convince the cashier at Sam's Club to sell us a mattress, frame etc. without having to purchase a membership.  After making one final trip to the storage unit, we then headed to HHI where we literally collapsed.  All it took was a hot shower and some food from our favorite Italian place, Giusseppi's, to make us feel somewhat human again!

But as I said, couldn't have asked for two better people to make the trip thankful for my parental unit!

So the next few days I probably won't have much to post about, since the whole point is to relax - the calm before the storm!  But of course there will be a few shopping trips in between beach times - a girl's got to furnish her new apartment! :)

Love you all, miss you always, and I promise to "post" again soon!